Protecting Piping Plovers involves "excluding" their nests from predators, and beach-goers, alike. Large sections of prime off-roading and fishing beaches are roped off once the plovers establish nests each spring. The driving restrictions extend through the summer until plover chicks fledge--sometimes into September. Businesses such as Nelson’s Bait and Tackle have complained of dramatic decreases in sales, and tourists have accused the small birds of ruining their vacations. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, the Cape Cod National Seashore has been forced to look at alternatives to closing entire beaches during breeding season. This winter, they worked on an Environmental Assessment and gathered the public's input to try and make peace with beach-goers while providing protection to this controversial little bird.
So, stay tuned--I'll report on the findings of the EA once they're available...
1 comment:
MMmmm...Piping plovers taste like chicken..lol
A little garlic maybe some hot sauce..mmmmmm
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